
Paul Cluver Nature Camera

In January Paul Cluver wine estate in the Elgin valley installed a camera on the farm to capture special moments in nature that they might not have the opportunity to witness. Eager to see if the camera paid off, Songvlei from Paul Cluver checks the footage regularly and with excitement soon realised that the area is still home to a few leopards.

“It humbles me that these magnificent animals still roam here. They are the last of the big 5 in our area. We have had dreadful fires yet they look well fed. I’ve always been inspired by E.O. Wilson’s quotes: ‘If all mankind were to disappear the world would regenerate back to the rich state of equilibrium that existed 10,000 years ago. If insects were to vanish the environment would collapse into chaos’ Let us never forget that; we should preserve every scrap of biodiversity as priceless.”